Our customers are suppliers to the motor car, lighting, household utensils and sanitary fitting industries.
Therefore our responsibility for perfect functioning of our products is important.

In order to keep long term and successful co-operation with customers we act in accordance with the following principals:
- We fulfill our customers’ orders in the given time.
- Our customers get competent advice and reliable production and delivery dates.
- Prompt provision of quotations and making sure that orders are quickly processed give our customers reliable availability of the product.
- We guarantee the continuous improvement of our management systems.
- The development of the production process in our business is based on our own ideas. The specific technical know-how of our staff and our machine ranges are of the highest level.
- The development of our QS system is guaranteed by training our staff, choosing the appropriate suppliers and controlling the incoming and outgoing goods.
- We carry out business policy by means of information also the involvement of our staff in fundamental decision processes.

Heinrich Lenberg GmbH
Vinckestraße 7
58675 Hemer- Westig
Tel.: + 49 (0) 2372 / 94780
Fax: + 49 (0) 2372 / 947830
Production Factory
Europastraße 28
58675 Hemer- Deilinghofen